Take a look at all the information on offer here. I really hope it helps you understand more. Kath
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Date Posted:10-01-2013 8:52 PM

Fibromyalgia-Oh what a pain.
But who can I find to hear me complain?
My body is aching, my brains in a fog.
My muscles are weak and stiff as a log.

Pains shooting through me, it's havoc to wreak.
Too often I find that I growl when I speak.
So many maladies are plaguing me.
Were there an escape door, I'd kill for the key.

My family's indignant, they think I'm a bore.
They cant understand that my whole body's sore.
A cloak of exhaustion is covering me.
But the mess in the kitchen is what others see.

Folks may think me lazy, unsociable, detached.
Or they may think a hinge in my brain has unlatched.
What others think is out of my hands.
But personally I don't think even the cat understands.

"You're looking so well" is what my friends say.
"How can you be ill when you're looking this way"?
"With a positive attitude you'll feel just fine."
Could they be saying its all in my mind?

Speaking of mind, what can I say!
Mines NOT a good place for a brain to stay.
Although information goes there to reside.
When I try to retrieve it, it runs off to hide.

Speaking of hide, my keys do that well.
When I walk in a room, why I'm there I cant tell.
I miss birthdays, engagements- all to my shame.
Even missed my appointment with doc' whats-his-name?

What can I compare to a fibro night.
My husband is snoring, my muscles are tight.
With eyes wide open, my thoughts explode.
Into worst case scenario overload.

Old mister sandman is no help at all.
Hes just out of earshot whenever I call.
At last sweet dreams swim in my head.
That is till my bladder nags me from bed.

Again wide awake, I now think to pray.
And I tell the Lord all about my day.
I give myself up to His love and His care.
And the hand I am dealt, I know I can bear.

I'll change what I can and accept the rest.
Each day I'll keep working to be at my best.
And when all's said and done at the end of the day.
I know even with Fibro,that I'll be O.K.

jazzijaq #1

Re:Reply Topic

Date Posted:18-04-2013 3:07 PM


Hi Katy and all, it was great to see the site up and running, and what a wonderful job you have done.  I have meant to come in before now, but things were a bit awry here, but glad to say better now. I hope I can get the hang of things as the brain is still foggy but determined. I look forward to seeing you on a regular basis again if I can get the common sense working. Can't stay for longer, but will be in again soon.  Jacqui.

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